Additional sources and materials
Kapelyushnikov R. "Gde nachalo togo kontsa?.." (zametki ob institutsional'noj prirode perekhodnykh obschestv) // Voprosy ehkonomiki. 2001. N 1.
Radygin A., Sidorov I. Rossijskaya korporativnaya ehkonomika: sto let odinochestva? // Voprosy ehkonomiki. 2000. N 5.
Razvitie sprosa na pravovoe regulirovanie korporativnogo upravleniya v chastnom sektore. M., 2003.
Black B., Kraakman R., Tarassova A. Russian Privatization and Corporate Governance: What Went Wrong? // Stanford Law Review. 2000. Vol. 52.
Frye T. Capture or Exchange? Business Lobbying in Russia // Europe-Asia Studies. 2002b. Vol. 54. N 7.
Frye T. Credible Commitment and Property Rights: Evidence from Russia // American Political Science Review. 2004. Vol. 98. Issue 3. August.
Frye T. Markets, Democracy, and New Private Business in Russia // Post-Soviet Affairs. 2003. Vol. 19. N 1. January.
Frye T. The Two Faces of Russian Courts: Evidence from a Survey of Company Managers // East European Constitutional Review. 2002a. Vol. 11. N 1/2. Winter/Spring.
Hellman J. Russia's Transition to a Market Economy: A Permanent Redistribution? // Russia After the Fall. Washington, 2002.
Hellman J. S., Jones G., Kaufman D. Seize the State, Seize the Day: An Empirical Analysis of State Capture an Corruption in Transition // Paper prepared for the ABCDE 2000 Conference. Washington (D. C.), April 18 - 20, 2000.
Hellman J., Jones G., Kaufmann D., Schankerman M. Measuring Governance and State Capture: The Role of Bureaucrats and Firms in Shaping the Business Environment. World Bank Working Paper 2312. Washington, 2000.
Hendley K. Rewriting the Rules of the Games in Russia: Neglected Issue of the Demand for Law // East European Constitutional Review. 1999. N 4.
Hendjey K., Ickes B. W., Murrel P., Ryterman R. Observation on the Use of Law by Russian Enterprises // PostSoviet Affairs. 1997. N 1.
Hendley K., Murrel P., Ryterman R. Law, Relationships, and Private Enforcement: Transactional Strategies of Russian Enterprises // Europe-Asia Studies. 2000a. N 4.
Hendley K., Murrell P., Ryterman R. Law Works in Russia: The Role of Law in Interenterprise Transactions // Assessing the Value of the Rule of Law in Transition Economies / Ann Arbor, 2000b.
Hoff K., Stiglitz J. E. After the Big Bang? Obstacles to the Emergence of the Rule of Law in Post-Communist Societies // The American Economic Review. 2004. Vol. 94. N 3. June.
Pistor K. Supply and Demand for Law in Russia: A Comment on Hendley // East European Constitutional Review. 1999. N 4.
Sonin K. Why the Rich May Favor Poor Protection of Property Rights // Journal of Comparative Economics. 2003. Vol. 31. Issue 4. December.
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