Additional sources and materials
Lejpkhart A. Demokratiya v mnogosostavnykh obschestvakh. Sravnitel'noe issledovanie. M., 1997.
Rodoman B. B. Territorial'nye arealy i seti. Smolensk, 1999.
Agnew J. Place and Politics. The Geographical Mediation of State and Society. Boston, 1987.
Almond G. A., Verba S. The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations. Princeton, 1963.
Centre and Periphery. Beverly Hills-London, 1980.
Easton D. A System Analysis of Political Life. New York, 1965.
Gudgin G., Taylor P. Seats, Votes and the Spatial Organisation of Elections. London, 1979.
Hagerstrand T. Innovation Diffusion as a Spatial Process. Chicago, 1967.
Rokkan S. Citizens, Elections, Parties. New York, 1970.
Rokkan S. Economy, Territory, Identity. Beverly Hills, 1983.
Rokkan S., Lipset M. S. Cleavage Structures, Party Systems, and Voter Alignments: An Introduction // Party Systems and Voter Alignments. New York, 1967.
Taylor P. J. Political Geography. World-economy, Nation-state and Locality. London, 1989.
Taylor P. J., Johnston R. J. Geography of Elections. London, 1979.
The Civic Culture Revisited. Boston-Toronto, 1989.
Wallerstein I. The Capitalist World-economv. Cambridge, 1979.
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