Boris Dubin and the Project of Cultural Sociology in Russia
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Boris Dubin and the Project of Cultural Sociology in Russia
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Boris Stepanov 
Occupation: Leading Research Fellow
Affiliation: Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Address: 20, Myasnitskaya st., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

The cultural sociology project developed by Boris Dubin and his colleagues had often remained out of frames in the discussion of theirs works. Thorough consideration of the principles of cultural analysis based on the works of Boris Dubin and Lev Gudkov in the fi eld of literature sociology can give according to the author an opportunity to reevaluate the place of this project in the history of the humanities in the last decades. Ноwever, the study of its evolution reveals some conceptual tensions whose further discussion seems useful both for the productive reception of this project and for the comprehension of the signifi cance of works written by Dubin in 1900s and 2000s for the development of this project. 

Cultural sociology, sociology of literature, cultural studies, mass culture, institutional analysis, sociological poetics, critical theory, cultural turn
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