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4. Dubin B. (2010) Klassika, posle i rjadom: Sociologicheskie ocherki o literature i kulture [Classics, after and nearby: Sociological essays on literature and culture] Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.
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8. Dubin B.V., Zorkaja N.A. (1983) Ideja klassiki i ee socialnye funkcii [The idea of the classics and its social function] Problemy sociologii literatury za rubezhom Moscow: INION, pp. 4082.
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13. Gudkov L.D. (1983) Evoljucija teoreticheskih podhodov v sociologicheskih issledovanijah literatury [The evolution of theoretical approaches in sociology of literature] Problemy sociologii literatury za rubezhom [Problems of the sociology literature abroad] Moscow: INION, pp. 939.
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18. Gudkov L., Dubin B. (1994) Literatura kak socialnyj institut [Literature as a social institution] Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.
19. Gudkov L., Dubin B. (2001) Molodye kulturologina podstupah k sovremennosti [Young cultural researchers on the approach routes to the modernity] Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, no. 50 (4), pp. 147167.
20. Gudkov L., Dubin B. (2002) Institucionalnye izmenenija v literaturnoj kulture Rossii (19902001 gg.) [Institutsional changes in the literary culture of Russia (19902001)] // Monitoring obshhestvennogo mnenija. no. 6, pp. 4355.
21. Gudkov L.D., Dubin B.V. (2005) Rossijskie biblioteki v sisteme reproduktivnyh institutov: kontekst i perspektivy. [Russian libraries in the reproduchve system of institutions: context and prospects]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, no. 74, pp. 166202.
22. Gudkov L.D., Dubin B.V., Rejtblat A.I. (1982) Kniga, chtenie, biblioteka: Zarubezhnye issledovanija po sociologii literatury: Annotirovannyj bibliografi cheskij ukazatel za 19401980 gg. [Book, reading, library: Foreign research on the sociology of literature: Annotated bibliography for 19401980] Moscow: INION.
23. Gudkov L., Dubin B., Strada V. (1998) Literatura i obshhestvo: vvedenie v sociologiju literatury [Literature and Society: an Introduction to the Sociology of Literature] Moscow: RGGU.
24. Jacobs M., Spillman L. (2005) Cultural sociology at the crossroads of the discipline. Poetics, vol. 33 (1), pp. 114.
25. Kaspe I. (2015) Kak vozmozhna literatura? Kak vozmozhna sociologija literatury ne po Burde? [How literature is possible? Can we have the sociology of literature which wont be after Bourdieu? ] Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, no. 132 (2) (http: //www.nlobooks/node(6143).
26. Klassika i klassiki v socialnom i gumanitarnom znanii (2009) [Classical and classics of social sciences and humanities] Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.
27. Kult kak fenomen literaturnogo processa: avtor, tekst, chitatel (2011) [The cult as a phenomenon of the literary process: the author, the text, the reader] Moscow: IMLI RAN.
28. Kurakin D. (2010) Silnaja programma v kultursociologii: istoriko-sociologicheskie, teoreticheskie i metodologicheskie kommentarii. Posleslovie redaktora vypuska [Strong program in cultural sociology: historical and sociological, theoretical and methodological comments. Afterword of the volume editor] Sociologicheskoe obozrenie, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 155178.
29. McGurl M. (2010) Ordinary Doom: Literary Studies in the Waste Land of the Present. New Literary History, vol. 41 (2), pp. 329349.
30. Puti Rossii: sovremennoe intellektualnoe prostranstvo: shkoly, napravlenija, pokolenija (2009) [The Paths of Russia: modern intellectual space: schools, movements, generations], vol. XVI. Moscow: Universitetskaja kniga.
31. Stepanov B.E. (2014) Kak bezzakonnaja kometa...: kulturnye issledovanija v poiskah akademicheskoj identichnosti [Like a Lawless Comet...: Ñultural Studies in the Search for Academic Identity] Preprint. Serija WP6/2014/03 (Gumanitarnye issledovanija) Moscow: HSE.
32. Turner G. (2012). Whats Become of Cultural Studies? London: Sage.
33. Vorozhejkina, T.E. (2008) Cennostnye ustanovki ili granicy metoda? [Value system or the boundaries of method?] Vestnik obshhestvennogo mnenija, no. 4, pp. 6269.
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