Cultural System and Development
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Cultural System and Development
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Jerry Kleer 
Affiliation: Polska Akademia Nauk
Address: Poland, Warszawa

The author proceeds from the thesis that the cultural system as a very stable characteristic of society is the opposite of development, the need for changes that meet the requirements of constant improvement. The cultural system is viewed in a kind of pentagon, which consists of the language, tradition, history, religion and the attitude of society to the state and the state to society. It is shown that the development, despite some unification decisions in the economic and technological, and partly also educational and cultural spheres, does not eliminate the differences arising from tradition, history, and religion. The state, thanks to its foreign and domestic policy, can partially eliminate them. But in general, the cultural system in our time is one of the most important threats to development.

development, cultural system, language, tradition, history, religion, state and society
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