Политические взгляды российских заключенных
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Политические взгляды российских заключенных
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The article analyzes Russian prisoners’ views on Russia, its future and political leader. Theresearch has been conducted by means of anonymous questionnaire poll among 100 male prisonerskept in a strict regime correctional colony for people who have already served their sentences before.The interviewed prisoners revealed critical view on political system of modern Russia and lowlevel of loyalty to current political leaders. They tend to give negative appraisals of Russian future.In whole prisoners turned out to be more critical in their opinions than average Russians, meanwhilesuch critical statements as “unjust state” and “corrupted authorities” might be nothing but excuse oftheir own deviant behavior.
Russian prisoners, Russian prison, image of an “ideal” president, image of Russia, Russia’s future, deviant behavior
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