Страна и ее политическая элита в представлениях российских и французских парламентариев
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Страна и ее политическая элита в представлениях российских и французских парламентариев
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The authors compare the political views of Russian and French parliamentarians. The research isbased on interviews with the members of the State Duma and the National Assembly. There are bothsimilarities and differences in their views on their own countries, normative and descriptive notionsof the leader and political class. However, while the similarities are based on resembling problems insocial, political and economic situation of the countries, the distinction is the result of a fundamentaldifference in political values shared by Russian and French deputies.
political perceptions, Russian political elite, French political elite, State Duma deputies, image of the country, features of an “ideal” president, an “ideal” political elite
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Additional sources and materials

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