Нанотехнологические перспективы России: от “нанобума” к объективным оценкам
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Нанотехнологические перспективы России: от “нанобума” к объективным оценкам
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The article provides a brief bibliometric analysis of the development of nanotechnology from1990 to 2009, together with an assessment of Russia’s position. Considerable attention is paid to theglobal scientifi c race in the fi eld of carbon nanostructures as one of the central episodes in the historyof nanotechnology and some of its lessons for our country. It is shown that a serious strain of the agestructure of the scientifi c community, the diffi culties in preparing a new generation of researchers fornanotechnology become a major barrier to its successful development.
nanotechnology, bibliometric analysis, carbon nanostructures, scientific race, scientific personnel, brain drain
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