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The article presents the fi rst attempt to create an economic methodology of social liberalism which involves the interaction of a market economy with state activity, focuses on solving social problems and occupies an intermediate position between classical liberalism and socialist paradigm. The peculiarity of the proposed methodology is due to an absolute rejection of methodological individualism and the use of the main provisions of the concept of “economic sociodynamics” with its key principle of complementary utility. It admits the existence of the needs of society as such, “wards of the theory of wealth” with generalization equilibrium model of Wicksell–Lindahl for any goods and services having social utility, market mechanisms and political branches of generating public interest formed in different institutional environments, based on the preferences of distinct groups of individuals.
social liberalism and methodological individualism, holism, sociodynamic economics, social utility, the principle of complementarity, welfare wards, regulatory interests, institutional environment, the political branch of the public interest, Wicksell–Lindahl equilibrium
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