Youth of the CIS countries in the labor market: gender aspect
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Youth of the CIS countries in the labor market: gender aspect
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Marina Baskakova 
Occupation: Leading researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Economy RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Irina Soboleva
Occupation: Head, Centre for Employment Policy and Social and Labor Relations of the Institute of Economy RAS
Affiliation: Institute of Economy RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Elena Kubishin
Occupation: Senior researcher, Centre for Employment Policy and Social and Labor Relations of the Institute of Economy RAS
Affiliation: Institute of Economy RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article undertakes comparative analysis of gender-based problems and peculiarities of integration of young people into the world of work in the CIS area on the example of five countries with a distinct national identity of mentality and historical traditions. The article examines gender specificity of professional education options and its impact on the aspirations of young men and women in the world of work, the embeddedness of gender stereotypes, as well as national practices of transition to employment of young men and women and equalizing opportunities for access to decent employment.

youth, labor market, youth unemployment, vocational education, gender equality
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