Discourse of “economics” against discourse of “economic system”: from understanding Reality to the creation of meanings
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Discourse of “economics” against discourse of “economic system”: from understanding Reality to the creation of meanings
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Olga Koshovets 
Occupation: Senior research fellow of Institute of Economics and Institute for Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of economics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Petr Orekhovsky
Occupation: Chief research fellow of the Institute of economics, Russian Academy of Sciences; professor of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Institute of economics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The authors consider the existing types of “discursive practices” that is “economics” and “economic system” and give the examples of successful and problematic concepts of these discourses (human capital, technological structures) while evaluating its influence on economic policy and socio-cultural significance in the creation of the ideas about the “economic”. A key feature of the dominant discourse that is “economics” is “logical realism” and universalism. It enables to expand the basic concepts and narratives of this discourse not only on others disciplines, but also bring them into institutional and political analysis. Moreover, it is responsible for the fact that the “economics” discourse does not seek to describe the “economic”, but rather perform the function of creating a uniform reality, the social construction of “economy” as such. A key feature of the “economic systems” discourse is “nominalism”, which in principle rejects the idea of constructing a universal object. Since there is no conceptual “hard core» and the unity of language, what matters is the creation of interpretations and social construction of meaning which refers to the “economic” as something actually existing. That enables to keep the epistemological task of objective representation. However, the “economic system” discourse is potentially ready to occupy the place of the dominant discourse and to impose its own rules of “telling stories”.

discourse, social construction of reality, economic system, human capital, neomercantilism, technological paradigms
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