Innovative Systems in the Regions of Russia and Their Development
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Innovative Systems in the Regions of Russia and Their Development
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Mukhu Aliev 
Occupation: Chief Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy RAS
Address: 109240. Moscow, Goncharnaya street, 12, building 1
Nikolay I. Lapin
Occupation: Chief Researcher, Head
Affiliation: Study of Socio-Cultural Changes, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 109240. Moscow, Goncharnaya street, 12, building 1

The historical experience of the market and centrally planned economies, as well as the results of research in a large number of Russian regions and the analysis of the practical experience of the authors, convince us that it is advisable to continue the formation of a holistic all-Russian NIS as a multi-level process. The existing innovation sites of the all-Russian (partly international, global) level must be supplemented by the systemic development of innovative sites, first at an average level – in all regions (constituent entities of the Russian Federation), and then in many local communities (municipalities). Coordination of innovative projects of different levels (from all-Russian megaprojects, regional mesoprojects and municipal micro-projects) “from above and from below” (federal, regional and municipal government bodies) will allow to realize an integrated modernization in which the successes of the neo-industrial stage of modernization will be multiplied by the achievements of the information-humanistic stage of it.

Multi-level innovation system. Its fragmentation in Russia. The need for a regional level of the innovation system. The initial stage of the innovative evolution of the Republic of Dagestan. The main groups of elements of the innovation system of the region. Integrated modernization strategy
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