Russian Revolution as an Alternative of Christian Reformation
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Russian Revolution as an Alternative of Christian Reformation
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Sergey Tsirel  
Occupation: Principal Research Scientist
Affiliation: Saint-Petersburg Mining University
Address: 2, 21st Line, St. Petersburg 199106, Russia

Russian revolution of 1917 was by the nature reformational as the Netherlands or English Revolutions 16-17th centuries or Iranian Revolution in 1979. However because of unavailability of Orthodox church to reformation Christian renewal did not become the main idea of revolution. Coincidence of the periods of transition of the country to mass literacy and sharp reduction of land allotment (because of growth of the population of the country) led to the fact that redistribution of the land and other property became the main quasireligious idea. Despite formation of a set of religious movements and religious sects, the new quasireligious idea led to a deсhristianization of the country and destruction of all social order. Therefore Stolypin’s reform on creation of a private property on the land, most likely, was not protection against revolution, but approach to it as her main idea contradicted moods of both the lowest estates, and the intellectuals of the central part of Russia. At the same time participation of Russia in World War I was risky, but, apparently, in the unique way to replace a social protest with fumes of nationalism. However military defeats turned slow descent into a prompt collapse. They discredited not only an imperial family and church hierarchs, but also all system of the social system of Russia, from a private property to the monarchic power.

The Russian revolution, deсhristianization, the Reformation, literacy growth, shortage of the arable land, the partition of the land, protest against a private property, World War I, Stolypin’s reform
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