Post-Soviet Statehood and Society Part 3. The Strengthening of Statehood as Social Contract Between Society and Authorities
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Post-Soviet Statehood and Society Part 3. The Strengthening of Statehood as Social Contract Between Society and Authorities
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Sergey Korotaev 
Occupation: Trainee Researcher
Affiliation: Laboratory for Comparative Analysis of Development in PostSocialist Countries NRU HSE
Address: Moscow, Malaya Pionerskaya 12, 115054
Ovsey I. Shkaratan
Occupation: Tenured Professor, Head Laboratory, Chairman of Editorial Council
Laboratory for Comparative Analysis of Post-Socialist Development NRU HSE
Journal “Universe of Russia. Sociology. Ethnology”
Address: Shabolovka 26/4, Moscow, 119049

The concluding part of the article focuses on the issues of socio-economic inequality deepening in post-soviet Russia. The authors show the high indicators of inequality (high Gini coefficient, low real incomes per capita of most Russian population and increasing number of oligarchs) have mainly conditioned by the governing principles, aimed to maximize the wholecontrol in hands of ruling group. The nature of socio-economic system established in post-soviet Russia are performed – namely Etacratism in the new phase (Neo-etacratism). The Neo-etacratism setting grasps 3 historical stages: the late soviet time when the capture of controlling positions in privatizing economy was fulfilled; the property’s and finances’ privatization phase when oligarchs took the key positions in state governing; business capture and its subordination in the interests of state departments. The authors have concluded that for overcoming of socio-economic stagnation and setting of social fairness’ principles it is necessary to reconsider the current social contract whose central idea should focus on liquidation of inequality in access to public institutions.

socio-economic inequality, Etacratism, Neo-etacratism, Russian society
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