Blockchain and Social Networks of the New Generation: Utopia, Revolution, Social Challenge
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Blockchain and Social Networks of the New Generation: Utopia, Revolution, Social Challenge
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Svetlana Chernozub 
Occupation: Leading Researcher
Affiliation: Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of Russian Academy of Sciences Institute for Systems Analysis
Address: 9, 60-letija Octyabrya prosp., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117312

Blockchain is one of those innovative trends that are associated with the most serious social challenges and implications of the fourth industrial revolution. It is positioned as a tool for the development of the economy of trust and as a new stage in the development of social networks. It is also considered a means for democratizing society and combating economic inequality. In the article, these features of the blockchain are considered as elements of a new technological utopia, which has special significance for Russia.

the fourth industrial revolution, the blockchain, innovative trends, economics of trust, social networks, technological utopia
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