About the limits of the process of globalization (to propounding of a problem). Article 2. Interrelations of the universal and local dimensions of history in the globalizing world
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About the limits of the process of globalization (to propounding of a problem). Article 2. Interrelations of the universal and local dimensions of history in the globalizing world
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Yakov Shemyakin 
Occupation: Chief Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Latin America
Address: 21 Bolshaya Ordinka St., Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation

The author of the article especially underlines the idea that no one culture can be understood only in universal dimension. In each of them there is a local dimension unique individual traits, which form a controversial unity with universal characteristics. In this interrelation universal and local represents the poles of the dual opposition – the elementary “cell” of human culture in any of its images.

globalization, global, universal, local, culture, dual opposition, extential limit
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