Human sciences as a vocation and a profession
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Human sciences as a vocation and a profession
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Ilya Dementev 
Occupation: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Institute for Humanities, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Address: A. Nevsky street 14, 236041 Kaliningrad

The paper analyses the content of the collective monograph ‘Human Sciences. The history of Disciplines’ (2015) in terms of contemporary approaches to the history of sciences. The article contains main theses of the authors of the monograph including interpretation of prehistory of humanitarian epistemology in Europe and the history of discipline building in sociohumanitarian knowledge in 18–21 centuries. The author gives characteristic to genealogy of the concept ‘human sciences’ (‘humanities’) and marks culturally determined differences in the classification of human and social sciences. The paper redefines the perspectives of further elaboration of the topic of the monograph in context of the analysis of such processes as globalisation, digitalisation and demodernisation of human sciences.

History of Knowledge, Humanities, Human Sciences, Social Sciences
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