Russia's agglomerations development: trends, resources and governing
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Russia's agglomerations development: trends, resources and governing
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Natalia Zubarevich 
Occupation: Professor
Geographical Faculty, Moscow Lomonosov State University
Institute for Social Policy of the State Authority “The Higher School of the Economics”
Address: Geography Department, Moscow State Univ., Lenin Hills, Moscow, 119991, GSP-1

The article considers different levels of Russian cities development and regional centers with the population of over half a million people, which are the "nuclei" of agglomerations. The level of their development dynamics does not have a clear dependence on the size of the city, some of them with a million population have worse socio-economic development rates compared to some smaller ones. The calculations of population concentration and regional economy in agglomerations of the largest cities have been made. Groups of agglomerations with different growth prospects are selected taking into account the level of development of the largest city-nuclei and the degree of population concentration and economy in the agglomerations. The barriers to the development of Russian agglomerations whose centers are municipalities are considered, and they have extremely limited financial resources and powers, which does not allow them to compete with federal cities. Measures have been proposed to develop agglomerations of cities and regional centers.

agglomerations, regional centers, cities social-economic development
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