Paternalism in Modern Society: From Food Stamps to Basic Income
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Paternalism in Modern Society: From Food Stamps to Basic Income
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Tatiana Chubarova 
Occupation: Head
Affiliation: Centre for Economic Theory of Social Sector of Institute of Economy RAS
Address: 32 Nakhimovsky pr., Moscow 117218 Russian Federation

The article analyzes the issues related to the use of the idea of paternalism for the organization of interaction between a citizen and society, provides an understanding of paternalism in economic theory, examines its various forms, arguments in support of and against paternalistic actions of the modern state. Two possible forms of state participation in maintaining the population's income, namely food stamps and basic (unconditional) income are discussed the former already has a significant history of implementation as a targeted programe while the latter can become a manifestation of a new universalism and is now at the stage of discussion and experiment. The article shows that increasing interest of economic theory in the analysis of paternalism is due to social and economic changes in the modern society that call for the search for appropriate conceptual approaches and practical solutions. 

Paternalism, paternalistic state, new paternalism, stamps, basic (unconditional) income
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