Soviet and post-Soviet Russia: Historical perceptions of the Millennial Generation
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Soviet and post-Soviet Russia: Historical perceptions of the Millennial Generation
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Valeria Kasamara 
Occupation: Head of the Laboratory, Associate Professor of Faculty
Affiliation: Laboratory for Political Studies, Faculty of Social Science, National Research University “Higher School of economics”
Address: Myasnitskaya St., 20, Moscow 101000
Anna Sorokina
Occupation: Leading Research Fellow of the Laboratory, Associate Professor of Faculty
Affiliation: Laboratory for Political Studies, Faculty of Social Science, National Research University “Higher School of economics”
Address: Myasnitskaya St., 20, Moscow 101000

In this article, we analyze how students studying at Moscow universities perceive historical events of 1917, 1937, 1991, and 1993. We look at two groups of students: those who have taken the standardized test (the Unified State Exam) in history, and those who have not. The study shows that neither of the two groups has a firm grasp or understanding of 20th century history, as they can usually only say a few words about the events. The more recent the event, the lower the students' knowledge of the event. The authors conclude that history lessons in schools should be restructured and redistributed, and that memory politics should be transformed with attention to new channels of communication that are popular among young people today.

politics of memory, 1917, 1937, 1991, 1993, historical perceptions, students
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