Agricultural Policy of Russia
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Agricultural Policy of Russia
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Svetlana Y. Barsukova 
Occupation: Professor, Deputy head of Laboratory
Affiliation: National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Address: 20, Myasnitskaya st., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

Agriculture policy since the fall of the Soviet Union has arguably never been as important for Russia as today. Having taken the path of import substitution, Russia took on itself a challenge of providing the population with predominantly national production. And yet the agricultural sector is an extremely and notoriously inertial part of the economy. The fundamental problem of Russian agricultural policy is inconsistency and excessive dependence on high politics, as driven by geopolitical collisions and by transformations in Russia’s internal development model. This article is a review the of evolution of Russian agricultural policy from the radical-liberalism of the 1990s to state patronage and active support of the agricultural sector today.

agricultural policy, import substitution, food markets
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