Reaction to Counter-Sanctions: “The Price is no Concern…”
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Reaction to Counter-Sanctions: “The Price is no Concern…”
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Andrey Zaostrovtsev 
Occupation: Professor, Senior Researcher
Department of Public Administration, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, St. Petersburg
Center of Modernization Studies at the European University at St. Petersburg
Address: 17 Promyshlennaya st., St. Petersburg, Russia

The article deals with the so-called counter-sanctions (the ban on the import of most types of food from the US, EU countries and a number of other countries), introduced by Russia in 2014 in response to Western sanctions, their consequences and the reaction of the population to them. An accelerated rise in prices for analogues of goods banned for import, deterioration of their quality was noted. At the same time, a clear majority of the population of Russia supports the ban on import. In the article this fact is explained by a complex of national grandeur (“statehood”) as components of the national mentality that makes up the institutional core of the social order. In support of this conclusion, there are data from numerous sociological surveys, national elections, and presidential ratings. On the basis of the Caplan’s model of irrational behavior of the voter, it is shown that the demand for irrational behavior is limited by the costs (welfare losses) resulting from it. To effectively limit this demand, they must constantly increase. Otherwise, negative feelings from them are weakened and the demand for irrational behavior remains high. As a result, the stabilization of damage from counter-sanctions ensures their support by the population.

Counter-sanctions, national grandeur, institutional core, informal institutions, mental models, irrational behavior, imperial thinking
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