Legal Political Science or Political Science of Law: the Outline of Research Field
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Legal Political Science or Political Science of Law: the Outline of Research Field
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Alexander Sungurov 
Occupation: Head
Affiliation: Department of the Applied Political Science Department of National Research University HSE SPb
Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
Anna Semikova
Occupation: Master student
Affiliation: Applied Political Science Department of National Research University HSE SPb
Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

The article deals with the social and political phenomena which are the subject of mutual studies of political science and law. The authors note the previous attempts of researchers to identify legal political science or political science of law as a separate interdisciplinary direction, formed at the intersection of legal and political sciences. However, the authors point out that at the moment the independence of legal political science or political science of law is not proven sufficiently, it is required to determine the field of study, to develop a methodology. Based on the analysis of legal acts, the history of their passing and implementation practices, the authors conclude that the focus of legal political science or political science of law must primarily be addressed in the analysis of the law-making issues and enforcement, the latter, in turn, can be classified into internal level / micro level (the transformation of rights in respect of individuals and organizations within the country) and the external level / macro level (implementation of international law at the national level). Concerning the content, legal political science or political science of law all of these may include such topics as the concept of universal human rights, transitional justice, corruption and anti-corruption, the sovereignty of States and globalization, “soft law”.

рolitical science, law, research direction, interdisciplinarity, law-making, law enforcement, the European Court of Human Rights
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