Aggregators Development: Strategies and Regulatory Framework
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Aggregators Development: Strategies and Regulatory Framework
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Ekaterina Loseva 
Occupation: MA in Economics
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow 119324, Leninsky gory, 1, building 46
Nataliya Pavlova
Occupation: Senior Researcher
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow 119324, Leninsky gory, 1, building 46

Widespread Internet access in the latest decade gave ground for the emergence of information aggregators that by changing the traditional interactions between the supply and demand sides on the market, have become a kind of intermediaries on two-sided markets, thereby changing the shape of the industry. This paper while analyzing the potential benefits and costs of participants from emergence of the aggregator on the market identifies possible directions in adjusting the shape of competition. Moreover, it presents entry strategies for market aggregators and identifies potential problems related to the application of economic policy instruments in spheres involving aggregators.

two-sided (multi-sided) markets, indirect network externalities, antitrust, competition, cooperation agreements, collusion, enforcement errors
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