Рost-Soviet Authoritarism
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Рost-Soviet Authoritarism
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Yuliy A. Nisnevich 
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Department of Political Science, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Address: 20, Myasnitskaya st., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
Andrey Ryabov
Occupation: Lead Researcher
Affiliation: Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAS)
Address: 23, Profsoyuznaya st., Moscow 117997, Russian Federation

The problems of rise and establishment of authoritarian regimes in the post-soviet states are considered in the article. The authors analyze the reasons of failure of democratic transition in the new independent countries. Among these reasons they point out the lack of strong traditions of civil society, the fact that in the Soviet Union “revolution of values” did not precede anti-communist revolution in 1991. The important reason for a suspension of democratic changes is that the new ruling classes which monopolized power and ownership in the post-soviet states and are not interested in further market and democratic reforms. In their analyses of the reasons of stability of authoritarian regimes the authors give the main attention to the impact of such factors as the institute of power-ownership, nomenclatura as a ruling class and patronal state. At the same time factors that restrict opportunities for authoritarian developments in post-soviet state considered in the article are: competing political identities in society; balance of forces between regional elites; de-nomenclaturization of political elite. It is noted that the main obstacle on the way of democratic transformation is the lack of political and social actors in the post-soviet states interested in such changes. 

two-sided (multi-sided) markets, indirect network externalities, platforms, transaction costs, digital economy, standardization
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