The Role of Bolshevik Revolution in Russian and World History
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The Role of Bolshevik Revolution in Russian and World History
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Akop Nazaretyan 
Occupation: Senior Researcher, editor-in-chief
Institute for Oriental Studies (RAS)
Journal “Historical Psychology & Sociology”
Address: 12 Rossoshanskaya. Moscow, Russian Federation 107031

October (November) 1917 and subsequent years were marked by crucial events which were catastrophic for most of peoples in the former Russian Empire and played an ambiguous role in world history. The paper discusses reasons, consequences and lessons of the revolutionary events stressing some of the system factors that have not attracted sufficient attention so far. The Russian Revolution’s influence on the developments in the Western civil institutes and procedures is considered, as well as its role in preventing the atomic war. In conclusion, the reasons of the USSR breakdown and following decrease in sustainability of the global geopolitics are considered.

history, war, revolution, catastrophophilia, progress, techno-humanitarian balance
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