Post-socialist Transformations in Light of Discussions on Capitalism Models Diversity
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Post-socialist Transformations in Light of Discussions on Capitalism Models Diversity
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Svetlana Glinkina 
Occupation: Head of the academic department
Affiliation: Institute of Economy RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow 117418, Nakhimovsky prospect 32

The paper addresses several methodological approaches to the analysis of modern capitalism models diversity. Proceeding from the research of interim results of market transformations in the post-socialist world, the conclusion is drawn that models of capitalism (state, crony, dependent) extrinsic to developed Western countries have emerged here. These models are characterized by alternative economic coordination mechanisms closely linked to a relatively stable set of complementary institutions, which provide for specific comparative advantages to the countries. The issue of the development perspective for Russia is raised, since the institutional hybridism of its economic system triggers multiple management dysfunctions, complicates structural reforms and economic modernization.

Post-Socialist transformation, varieties of Capitalism, state, crony, dependent capitalism
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