Income Stratification in Russia: Model Specifics and Vector of Dynamics
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Income Stratification in Russia: Model Specifics and Vector of Dynamics
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Natalia Tikhonova 
Occupation: Leading Researcher
Centre for Stratification Studies, Institute of Social Policy, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Institute of Sociology RAS
Address: 20, Myasnitskaya St., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

In the article which is part of a block of two articles results of analysis of characteristics and dynamics of income and subjective stratification models of Russian society are presented, based on data from several nationwide surveys carried out in 1999–2016. It is shown that the current model of income stratification is characterized by the dominance of the middle strata and is adequately reflected in public consciousness, based on the self-assessment of the positions people hold in the society. Economic crisis that started in 2014 so far did not cause any serious changes in the income stratification model or the assessment of their positions in society by Russians. As for the methodological results of the analysis, it is shown that the optimal methods for income stratification of Russian society should be found among the relative methods used in developed countries, but not among the absolute methods used in developing countries. In addition, given Russia’s regional heterogeneity in terms of modernization progress, it is more expedient to use the aggregate model of income stratification constructed on the basis of pre-stratification of regional communities than models based on the average measures for the country as a whole for the analysis of the social structure.

social structure, stratification, impact of crisis, income, subjective stratification, social status
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