Institutional Framework and Economic Development
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Institutional Framework and Economic Development
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Evsey Gurvich 
Occupation: Head
Economic Expert Group
Center of Research Financial Institute of the Ministry of Finance
Address: Russian Federation, Vetoshny lane. 5/4, Moscow, 109012

The article makes a reasoned attempt to answer the question: why many serious programs of Russia economic development in 2000–2010 did not give the expected results? The diagnosis has been made of the Russian economy, including an analytical comparison between 20 countries which are on a similar level of development, and the Russian and international experience in the development and implementation of economic programs has been analyzed. The article concludes that the development of the Russian economy is strictly limited now by institutional framework and its accelerative growth can not be achieved without this framework’s extension in the political process. As a result of analysis of different types of institutional reforms some specific recommendations are offered here to gain this aim, and to guarantee the Russia evolutionary development, mitigation or removal of economic and social risks the country is faced when maintaining the status quo.

economic development, economic growth, economic development programs, institutional economics, institutional framework
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