Between Leviathan and Mammon: In Search for Moral Economics
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Between Leviathan and Mammon: In Search for Moral Economics
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Denis Melnik 
Occupation: Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow
Department of Theoretical Economics, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Nakhimovskiy av. 32, Moscow, Russia, 117218

The concepts of morality and justice have always played a significant role in the perception of economic science. The article attempts to reveal some regularities of the moral criticism of economic science. In the first part the article discusses the challenges faced by modern Economics under increasing political influence of populist parties and movements. The second one addresses some of the factors contributing to the moral criticism of economic science. In the third part based on the example of works by T. Hobbes, A. Smith, T. Carlyle different approaches to the justification of regulation of human behavior (based on state coercion, market, morality) are considered. The analysis of the initial formation stages of the conservative-romantic program of market mechanism subordination to the ideals of justice and the common good allows determining its fundamental problem: the need for enforcement of both legal and moral standards.

moral economy, moral economy, critique of economic theories of economic liberalism, Adam Smith, T. Carlyle, T. Hobbes
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