Regulating migration processes: problems of transition from reactive to systematic policy
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Regulating migration processes: problems of transition from reactive to systematic policy
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Konstantin Romodanovsky 
Occupation: Head
Affiliation: Federal Migration Service
Address: 12А, build. 1, Chistoprudny boulevard, Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
Vladimir I. Mukomel
Occupation: Head of Department
Affiliation: Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 24/35, build. 5, Krzhizhanovskogo st., Moscow, 117218, Russian Federation

The article contemplates the challenges, accomplishments and the unresolved issues of migration policy. The contradictions and gaps in migration policy are impossible to tackle without its systematization which presupposes consistent solutions coming out of an adequate estimation of upcoming challenges, situation tracking and adjustment of the regulation measures. More refi ned instruments targeted at specifi c fl ows and groups of migrants, are playing a more important role. Special attention is paid to consideration and building consistency between the interests of sending and receiving countries in the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union.

migration policy, labour migration, labour market, irregular migration, quota system, adaptation, integration, citizenship, EAEU
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