Ethical consumption as an innovative practice of civil society in Russia
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Ethical consumption as an innovative practice of civil society in Russia
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Marina А. Shabanova 
Occupation: Professor, Leading Research Fellow
Faculty of Economics
Centre for Studies of Civil Society and the Nonprofi t Sector, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Address: 20, Myasnitskaya st., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

In recent years, developed countries are increasingly debating about ethical consumption as a civil society’s counteraction to the unsavory business practice expansion causing signifi cant damage to the environment, animals and people. The ethical consumer practices are also gradually beginning to penetrate into developing countries with weak civil societies. The article presents the results of the first representative study of ethical consumption in Russia as an innovative civil society practice. The factors affecting the inclusion of the Russians in the ethical consumer practices have been identifi ed with the use of the binary logit regression. It is shown that different types of civic engagement outside the ethical consumption play an important but not the key role. It is concluded that the development of ethical consumption can be a catalyst for the development of civil society in Russia. 

ethical consumption, civil society, civil activity, social solidarity, social responsibility
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