Distance between states of modernization of makroregions of the Russia and their civilizational contexts
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Distance between states of modernization of makroregions of the Russia and their civilizational contexts
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Nikolay Lapin 
Occupation: Head
Affiliation: Center for the Study of Social and Cultural Changes, RAS, Institute of Philosophy
Address: 14, Volhonka st., Moscow, Russa, 119991

The author has revealed the signifi cant distance between the States of modernization of macroregions-Federal districts of the Russian Federation on the socio-economic and socio-cultural indexes four modernizational cluster. The distance between them are in the nature of hierarchy that is saved the serious socio-political risks. The author also shows that identifi ed distance have deep cultural, civilizational reasons. He set out his understanding of civilization, especially the Russian and had projected two groups of subcivilization on the Russian makroregional space – three Russian Orthodox and three compound-arranged, complexed. Finally, the author proposed a strategy of gradual integrating modernization of the macro-regions as subcivilizations.

macroregion, state of modernization, modernizational cluster of regions, civilization, Russian civilization, subcivilization, strategy of integrating modernization of macro-regions
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