Moral prerequisites of social rights
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Moral prerequisites of social rights
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Natalia V. Kolotova 
Occupation: Leading Researcher
Affiliation: Human Right Department at the Institute of State and Law of the RAS
Address: 10, Znamenka st., Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation

Social standards, which matter prescribes helping indigents, pertain to different systems of normative-value regulation: religion, moral and law. Legal norms, that, however, maintain connection with moral by origin and genetic affi liation, will be the question of this article. In this case, legal protection mechanisms are aimed at protection of such moral values as mercy, solidarity and charity. On the one hand, it impedes development of their protection by legal instruments, and on the other hand, it ensures mutually complementary effect of law and moral in human rights.

human rights, moral, social rights, the right to a decent human existence
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