Experts and expertise in Russia: from “objective device” to active citizen
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Experts and expertise in Russia: from “objective device” to active citizen
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Alexander Sungurov 
Affiliation: National Research University “Higher School of Economics” St. Petersburg
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

The objective of this paper is a comparative analysis of four examples of expert communities’ participation in decision making processes of different kinds. In the framework of traditional political decisions and prognostication experts are viewed as kind of ‘devices’, whose readings can be optimized by deferent methods, and the customer of the expertize is always interested in public goods. Analyzing the role of the expertise in the international sphere the reasons for ordering an expertise are different and an active position of experts in promoting their recommendations is considered as normal, and doesn’t have to be minimized. In framework of humanitarian expertise conception civil position of experts is considered the main feature of being an expert. Finally, the expert members of the methodological movement, the followers of Georg Shedrovitskiy actively join not only the process of decision preparation, but also try to implement their jointly developed decisions.

expertise, expert community, humanitarian expertise, initiative expertise
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